Frequently asked myIDTravel support questions
You are visiting the StaffTraveler website
You might have found this page on Google while searching for myIDTravel. StaffTraveler is an app to get reliable flight loads for your non-rev flights. We are not associated with myIDTravel.
How to cancel & refund a myIDTravel ticket?
Refunding a myIDTravel ticket involves two steps:
- Find your ticket
- Refund the ticket
1. Find your ticket ticket
To initiate a refund, the easiest way is to access the ticket via Your flight list. You can also click on the Manage Bookings & Tickets button and enter your e-ticket number.
2. Refund the ticket
Click the Refund button. The details of your ticket will be shown. Click Refund now to initiate the refund.
- Refunds may be processed on any e-ticket with an open status, issued less than 365 days ago (this period may differ per airline).
- Partially used tickets and segments flown out of sequence may need to be refunded manually, which may take some time.
- It may take 4 weeks or longer for the refund to be processed. Fares and taxes for unused segments will be refunded by the ticketing airline to the credit card used during the listing process. You may not receive an confirmation by email.
- Refunds will not be issued for the mylDTravel fee for used portions of any ticket.
How to contact myIDTravel?
MyIDTravel support is notoriously hard to get in contact with. If you face any problems with:
- booking
- listing
- refund
- login or password problems
- etc.
... myIDTravel suggests you contact your airline's staff travel department.
For other inquiries, you can contact myIDTravel using a form on their website. You'll find a link to their contact form on the bottom of the page.
StaffTraveler is not in any way associated with myIDTravel.
Interpreting the myIDTravel fare codes
When checking the flight loads in myIDTravel, you are presented a variety of fare codes. These letters represent a category of airline tickets available for purchase. The corresponding number is a rough indication of the number of available tickets for sale. These numbers might be out-of-date and are capped to 7 or 9 (depending on the operating airline). Also, the sum of the numbers does not equal the total number of available seats. Lastly, most airlines overbook flights, so these numbers do not represent how many seats are actually available to non-rev on.
- Business/first class:A, C, D, F, I, J
- Premium economy class:W
- Economy class:B, E, Y, X
Accurate and up-to-date load information can be obtained in the StaffTraveler app.
The same itinerary has already been booked for a passenger with this name. Please change itinerary data.
When you get this error, something has gone wrong with your booking. Most likely, the payment has failed. Your tickets are held for about half an hour, during which you cannot make a new booking for the same itinerary.
Wait 30 minutes and try again.
PNR Error
If you cannot access an unused PNR, it has either been cancelled previously or purged from the airline’s reservation system and is no longer available.
Access your e-ticket via the Your flight list to relist or refund.
An error occurred while booking a ticket on myIDTravel
myIDTravel is known to have reliability issues. If you're having trouble booking tickets on myIDTravel, it's worth trying again the next day. We advice anticipating errors and book your tickets in advance.