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What is NRSA?

About NRSA

What is NRSA?

NRSA stands for 'Non-revenue space-available'. It describes how airline employees and their families travel on standby tickets. They pay nothing or very little for their ticket but only get accepted on board if there are seats available. Other often used terms are non-rev, standby travel and ID90.

For more information about non-rev travel, click the button below.

StaffTraveler app

How to get the seat availability for my NRSA flights?

We have created the StaffTraveler app to enable you to check the seat availability for the flights you wish to NRSA on. With our advanced flight search engine, you can easily find the perfect flights to your destination. With one tap, you can request the loads of all the possible flights. People at the airlines you wish to travel with will answer your requests, enabling you to choose the perfect route and time to travel. Join our 980,000 members from over 1,000 airlines today.

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