Thank you for joining StaffTraveler!
StaffTraveler is dedicated to serving the airline community by ensuring that all members have staff travel privileges. This commitment ensures a secure and reliable platform for our users.
| Your uploaded files will only be used to confirm your eligibility and activate your account |
| Your uploaded files will be deleted as soon as we have activated your account |
| Your uploaded files will never be shared with anyone |
Click Next below to continue
Accepted proof
| A selfie in uniform |
| A picture of your airline ID |
| A picture of your airline retiree card |
| A picture of your roster (name clearly visible) |
| A screenshot of your company's non-rev website/app |
| A selfie without a distinguishable uniform |
| A picture of your office |
| A picture of a random airplane |
| A stock photo |
| A screenshot from social media |
| A picture of your dog (or any other pet) |
Thank you!
Your file has successfully been sent to our support team. They will review your submission and activate your account within 24 hours.
In the meanwhile, learn how to use StaffTraveler on our support pages. This is a good place to get started: