Staff travel information
Employees can see how many standbys are listed 48 hours before departure, and the loads of the flight 21 days before departure.
Condor Flights which start with a "3“, for example DE3114 or DE3115 ( it has to be a four digit number) are charter flights and cannot be answered.
Staff cannot see your boarding priority in our system. Condor staff goes first and after that it’s determined by seniority.
The listing may take approximately 6 to 12 hours to appear in the system and therefore will not be visible immediately.
Condor does not upgrade full-fare pax to make room for standby pax If the cabin you are booked in is full, Condor will not upgrade you in the next higher booking class.
Download the StaffTraveler app to get accurate, reliable seat availability for Condor flights.
Please note that this form is not intended to ask staff travel related questions.
Only use this form to add Condor tips & notes to the StaffTraveler Airline Notes database.
Questions submitted through this form cannot be answered, as StaffTraveler is not associated with Condor.
Making staff travel easy and stress-free, like it should be!