StaffTraveler has over 970,000 members from all airlines in the world, answering more than 40,000 non-rev load requests each day.
Join them today and make your non-rev trips easy and stress-free!
StaffTraveler is the best non-rev app
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“The best app I ever had.”
“This app is a lifesaver! Very easy to use and saves a whole lot of time!”
“Made traveling on staff travel so much easier. Thank you.”
“I rarely write reviews but I have to rate this app with 5 stars!”
Join your Air Canada colleagues today, download the StaffTraveler app
Important Air Canada non-rev note
AC employees only see the total number of standbys and upgrades at checkin (I.e 24 hours) before departure. AC doesn't identify who's Rev and Non-Rev. Hence we have to identify Non-Rev by name (first 3 letters of last name) on standby list, against Rev (also first 3 letters of last name) on upgrade list, and subtract. This can lead to mistakes.